1.3 Glossary & Icons


National Implementation Plan

The National Implementation Plan consists of the obligations of the State in relation to human rights and the SDGs. It also contains the actions the Government is planning to do to implement those obligations and contains the data of progress achieved to date.

National Mechanism for Implementation, Reporting and Follow-Up

Government body responsible for coordinating all human rights implementation and reporting. May also contain representatives from civil society, NHRIs, judiciary, Parliamentarians, private sector

User roles

Please see User roles & responsibilities for more details.

Role: Visitor

Any member of the public visiting the site.

Role: Guest

A registered user implicitly assumes the role "Guest".

NGOs, NHRIs or any member of the public can contribute data as a Guest Contributor to show progress towards any part of the National Implementation Plan or SDGs. This gives groups and individuals a platform to showcase their work to Government and to encourage more coordinated activities.

Role: Contributor

A user promoted to "Contributor". As the data owner for an indicator the user can be assigned to that indicator and become an Indicator Manager. A user can be promoted to Contributor and/or be assigned an Indicator Manager by either a Manager or Administrator (see below)

Role: Manager

A user promoted to "Manager" can become a

  • Category Manager responsible for an area of the National Implementation Plan (e.g. UPR recommendations, CRC recommendations, SDG targets, etc.),
  • Implementation Plan Manager responsible for developing and updating the National Implementation Plan.
Role: Administrator

A user promoted to "Administrator" can be responsible for

  • editorial content,
  • managing other Users, including Managers,
  • the application overall.

Principal Implementation Plan Entities


Accepted Not accepted
Recommendation | Accepted | Not accepted

States receive Recommendations from the Universal Periodic Review, the UN Committees of the Treaties it has ratified and the Special Procedures. These Recommendations are entered into the application and are clustered to form the basis of the National Implementation

Learn more: for visitors | for registered users


Actions are what the State says it is going to do to address Thematic Clusters (see below) of Recommendations and implement those obligations

Learn more: for visitors | for registered users

SDG Targets

One or more SDG Targets have been defined for each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG, see below).

Learn more: for visitors | for registered users


For each Action there will be at least one indicator, which describes how the success of that Action will be measured. Indicators have also been defined for SDG Targets

Learn more: for visitors | for registered users

Progress reports

When an Indicator is created within the application a date is set for when the information/data is due. This could be a one off or an ongoing process (e.g. quarterly crime statistics). When information is due the Indicator Owner will receive an automate email to upload the required data. This is called a progress report.

Learn more: for registered users


Taxonomies are groups of categories that allow to classify and cluster the principal Implementation Plan entities (see above)

Learn more: for visitors | for registered users

Thematic Clusters

Thematic Clusters are groups of Recommendations that make the National Implementation Plan more manageable. For instance, if Recommendations were received on the same topic from the UPR and CRC Committee they can be put into one thematic cluster and dealt with together, eliminating duplication and taking a coordinated approach to implementation

Categorise: Recommendations

Human Rights Bodies

Human Rights Bodies, incl. Treaty bodies, refers to the Committees which issue recommendations to States on how to meet their human rights obligations. This taxonomy also includes the Universal Periodic Review and Special Procedures. Recommendations within the application are tagged with the relevant treaty body so users can easily see where they came from.

Categorise: Recommendations


Each Human Rights Body Committee reviews the State on a regular basis. The cycle allows users of the application to easily see which cycle the recommendations relate to.

Categorise: Recommendations

Human Rights Issues

The application contains a list of human rights issues which are used to tag Recommendations

Categorise: Recommendations

Affected persons

The application contains a list of groups of persons which are used to tag Recommendations

Categorise: Recommendations

Recommending States

The application contains a list of all United Nations member States so that recommendations made during the Universal Periodic Review Process can be tagged with the country who made the Recommendation.

Categorise: Recommendations

Organisations, incl Government Agencies

The application contains a list of organisations, mainly Government agencies, which are used to tag Actions

Categorise: Actions

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

The Sustainable Development Goals is a set of 17 global goals covering a broad range of sustainable development issues. Within the application they can be used to tag SDG targets

Categorise: SDG targets

Other Icons

Icon Name / description
Connected Categories: categories (or tags) inherited from a connected entity
Connections: relationships between entities, eg an action is connected to a recommendation
Entity attributes, eg publication status
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Indicator reminder
Due Date
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