3. Visitors

3.1 Using as a Visitor

Whether you are an NGO or interested member of the public, this application allows visitors to:

  • Track how Government is performing in relation to its human rights and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets and goals
  • Select and explore areas of interest in what the Government is doing and plans to do (e.g. in the area of women's rights or in relation to a particular SDG target)
  • Contribute own data to demonstrate what your organisation has been doing to help achieve these goals
  • Register as a user and become a guest contributor of information to the National Implementation Plan (as an organisation or an individual)

Once you click 'Explore' on the homepage the next page you will be taken to is the visitor dashboard, from where you can access all of the information contained within the database, tailored to your own needs using our advanced search and filtering systems.

**All information demonstrated is for illustrative purposes only **

1. Headline Bar

The headline bar allows you to navigate through the different types of information you can find within the tool:

Overview: The landing page (pictured above)

Categories: Categories are the ways in which actions, indicators, recommendations and the SDGs are indexed. The different types of categories are listed down the left hand side of the overview screen. You can look at the categories in more detail by clicking on this tab or on any of the categories in the list on this page. This will allow you to easily explore recommendations and actions within each category. For more details click here.

Actions: This tab will take you straight to the Implementation Plan view, containing all of the actions the Government and partners are doing or planning to implement human rights and achieve the SDGs. You can filter through the list of all recommendations depending on your area of interest, see how the Government is progressing, access data relating and even upload information relating to your own work. For more information click here.

Indicators: Each action, as described above, has at least one indicator of success. This tab allows you to explore all indicators depending on your area of interest and is also an area where you can upload your own information relating to these indicators. For more information click here.

Recommendations: Each country is party to a number of human rights treaties (e.g Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women). For each treaty it has signed it has a range of legal obligations to implement and regularly receives recommendations from the respective Treaty Bodies on specific areas for improvement. Additionally each country undertakes a Universal periodic Review every 4.5 years and has a standing invitation to all United Nations Special Procedures. Out of both of these processes each country receives recommendations for how to implement its human rights obligations too.

This tab allows visitors to browse through all of the recommendations a country has received, and to see what the Government is doing to meet its commitments. This is the tab where visitors can view the overall Implementation Plan, assess progress or filter recommendations specific to their own area of interest. For more information click here.

SDG Targets: The Sustainable Development Goal targets are 169 internationally agreed goals to achieve the 17 SDGs. Visitors can use this tab to look through the targets and explore what a country's government is doing to achieve them and examine progress to date. For more information click here.

2. Categories

By selecting any of the categories on the left menu bar of the Overview page you will be able to explore the different category groups listed and the associated recommendations and actions for each. For more information click here.

3. Overview

The Overview map is a visual representation of the information contained within the application at any moment in time. It allows users to see how many human rights recommendations and SDG targets there are at a glance and how the actions being taken to address these form the overall National Implementation Plan. Clicking on any element of the Overview map will take the user to the relevant area of the tool where they are able to delve into that information further.

In the top right-hand corner of all pages are the additional links for visitors to access the following:

  • Sign-in, if they are a registered user
  • Register, if they wish to become a registered user (for more information click here)
  • Additional information pages, added by Administrators, such as 'About' and 'Contact Us'.

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